The Brotherhood

Aaron Davis achieves what no other man has: He unites the major religions of the world, brings peace to Northern Africa and the Middle East, and brokers a treaty to eliminate weapons of mass destruction.

Jack Holder, president of the United States, is a God-fearing Texan dedicated to preserving the American way of life. He belongs to a secret Masonic organization that has placed members in the highest levels of government. When Aaron Davis and his organization, the Brotherhood of Man, call for the elimination of America’s nuclear arsenal, Jack resists. When Davis creates a global currency to replace the dollar, Jack refuses to comply.

Barbara Holder, the First Lady, believes that Aaron Davis is the Antichrist, and her pastor has his congregation preparing for Armageddon. Jack is torn between his religious beliefs, his Masonic principles, and international pressure to support the new world order.

"Author Lawrence Deering envisions a perfect, albeit false world in his latest book, The Brotherhood. The story follows a supposed miracle man named Aaron Davis who is seen as a Messiah to some and the Antichrist to others. After solving the world's problems, including bringing peace to the Middle East, the United States is forced to join his New World Order. This angers Congressman Jack Holder who is tasked with taking Davis out.

Worthy of an Adaptation?: The plot certainly sounds like a high-tension thriller with religious elements of the Left Behind or Da Vinci Code series (but with better story and scripts hopefully). The plot definitely reads like a popcorn thriller, but with a strong script could have awards potential. You have two strong male characters that spar off.; maybe Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Davis and George Clooney as Holder. **All casting is armchair only. Got better suggestions, leave them in the comments.